Okay, so i know I am a little late getting it on here, but that's cause life is so hectic........Anyways, Monday August 11th, my wonderful sexy hubby turned 28!!!!! Not a big panic attach like last year....yes, my hubby started to freak out that he was almost 30 at 27! I got him calmed down, and this year, he was just laid back, and went with the flow.
We went to Soda Springs on Friday to spend time with his Mom and Dad(Lynn). We went to Bear Lake from there on Saturday, with Trevor's Brother Travis, his wife Sunny and their 3 kids; our wonderful neighbor's Cody and Andrea and their 3 kids; Trevor's little sister's Brianna and Ashley and Ashley's boyfriend Brad. So, there was a bunch of us it was a blast! We got rained out at the end! I didn't know that Rain could hurt so bad!
We came home on Sunday and had cake and icecream with Travis, Sunny, Cody, and Andrea, and all the kiddies (thanks for the chocolate covered front porch :)) And Trevor's Dad(Ben) and Marie, and his little sister's Sara and Melinda. That was really nice.
Then, on Monday it was back to work. Trevor is working a short call in Idaho falls, 6 days this week! nice for the $, and next week he might be doing close to the same, and just having Tuesday off for a Dr's appnt and our anniversary. I'm in training for Technical assistance, so it is basically 80 hours in 2weeks of just sitting listening to someone talk, but I have to be up at 6 am, and you all know how I am in the mornings (my poor hubby!) That will be over next Friday! yeah!
I don't know what else is going on to tell you about, Oh, I entered Kordi into a cutest furr baby contest at work! I'm sure she'll win! I'll keep you posted! Love you all! Here are some pics of our trip!