Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sunday evening BBQ

On Sunday, Trevor and I were just going to relax, however, Travis and Sunshine had other ideas for us! They decided that we needed to have a BBQ at the house....No problem. Well, that BBQ turned into a huge party. We had Travis, and Sunshine, and kids, Cody, Andrea, and kids, Jason, and Brittany, Ashley, and Brad! We had a lot of fun, and were happy that they had the wonderful idea of inviting everyone over, we had a great time!

In other news.......Our newest niece Addison turned 6months old on Sunday! She is a crawler now, and reeking havoc for her poor parents!!! She is growing up way too fast!!!

Here are a few pictures of her crawling away!

Kami holding Daisy! What cuties! And, Daisy doesn't seem to care at all....

Alexa holding Daisy too...They took turns holding her for a little while.

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