Thursday, March 25, 2010

Going back in time......

Many, many years ago, Trevor and I were little children....Yes, its true......Believe it or not, we were not always joined at the hip....however, we sure were both very adorable kids.
A few weeks ago I posted some old pictures of my dad, Trevor, and others. I just wanted to share some old pictures of myself.

This is my little sister and me ages 3 and 4

I was around 3 years old in the above picture. The morning of this picture, I had my first interaction with Blueberries....little did my mom know, I was alergic to them....So, I had the red rash on my face. I'm no longer alergic to blueberries, but it is kinda funny that I have these professional pictures to show my experience.

Here is Trevor! He was 1 year old.

Very, very adorable lil man!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

No more work......for a while.....

Well, today was Trevor's last day at work for probably about 6 months or so. In January he fell on some ice at work, and hurt his shoulder pretty bad. He was sent to a Shoulder and knee specialist, and sure enough, he ripped it up pretty good. He has to have surgery on it. We have been waiting for the surgery to be approved through the workers compensation insurance company, and today he was told they can no longer accommodate his restrictions.

So, now we still are waiting on the surgery, and Trevor is home. It is kinda nice to think of having my hubby home with me, and we will be able to make ends meet as well.

I will post some pictures of Trevor after surgery, and let you all know how he is doing.

Happy St. Patty's day as well! :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Vegas Baby!

Trevor and I were lucky enough to be invited to Vegas the last week of February with Travis, Sunshine, and their kids, and also Brad and Ashley. We had an absolute blast! Here are some pictures of our adventures!

Trevor was almost attacked by a mountain lion at the Bass Shop at the Silverton Hotel!

Trevor met one of his Idols! The Yellow M&M at M&M World!

Sunshine, and Addison on the Observation deck of the Stratosphere Tower!

New York, New York

We went to Hoover Dam on Thursday before coming home! It was gorgeous! The prettiest day we had while we were there! 70 Degrees.

A good picture of the new bridge.

Our last night in Vegas. This is a picture of the strip.
A fountain outside the Venetian Hotel

A lion at The Mirage

We were the perfect Tourists!

We ate YUMMY food!
This is Chicken and Waffles from Hash House A Go Go.
Very Yummy!