Saturday, February 5, 2011

Crazy stuff here!

Well, Trevor had his second shoulder surgery last week, and is doing okay, this one was alot worse than the first one, but he is able to sleep better, so who knows.... the Dr. shaved his shoulder blade by his rib cage, because it was rubbing there, and he had a lot of inflammation in the shoulder, so they cleaned that out along with the bursa sac. We are hopeful that this will be his last surgery, however, the Dr. said it might not be. Trevor starts Physical Therapy the middle of March, so right now, it is just a wait and see thing.

I am doing well, getting ready to start school...Well, I am starting some of it. I am also going back to work, as soon as I find a job! :) I have a few prospective jobs, so I am just working on those now.

We are also planning on moving soon, so that is exciting!

I hope everyone's year is going well. I will blog better, I promise!

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