Monday, March 17, 2008

Our puppies.....and Ebeneezer

here is Ebeneezer! He is almost 1.5 years old. He is the best cat you could ask for. He will be cuddly, but he also knows when to stay away, or be by himself! My kind of cat!

This is an old picture of Ernie. This was shortly after we got him.....Isn't he cute? I don't have recent pictures of him, but he is way bigger thanthis little guy. I will take some pictures of him.
Ernie is a Lab/Weimeriner He has the biggest ears you have ever seen. His body looks like the weimeriner, and his face is a total lab, with the puppy dog eyes and all!

This is Doyle, and Kordi. They are Australian Shepard/Icelandic sheepdogs. They are so very adorable. They are about 4 months old, and not doing too bad with the poddy training! They are my babies, and both love to cuddle!

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