Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Have you made a choice yet? The clock is ticking!

I know I'm late at posting this, but who knows, maybe its not too late for some of you. Have you made your choice? do you know who you are voting for, or have you made the decision to vote at all? Regardless of your decision on a candidate, I believe you should vote. This is our right to let our voices be heard, so get out there and vote.

As for me, I have made my decision of 2008! BARACK OBAMA! I believe he is the right choice if we want true change in our country. I know I need it here in podunk Idaho! Obama will bring about change due to his political views, and simply by breaking ground in history.

I am very thankful to see Obama running for President he has made me believe in change. He has inspired me, to get involved in my country, and not just sit here and let others make the decision for me. Everyone Bitches about our country, and saying things need to change, but everyone is afraid to stand up and yell it over the roof tops. I'm not anymore, so here I am sitting here wearing my Pink Obama 08 T, and very thankful to be an American, where I know I'm free to make my own choices, and live my life.

CHANGE is needed.... My husband has been laid off for 1.5 months, and so far in 2008, he has been laid off about 8 times. He is apart of our local IBEW (electrical union). and has worked for 9 contractors over the past 11 months. That is insane. Trevor has been an Electrician for 7 years, and during the first 6 years he was only laid off twice. the longest term being a week.

It takes several years for us to see the impact of our President. We won't see change right away, however, if you look at our economy now, and Bush has been president for 8 years. That is truly showing his impact on our country.

I have had people tell me they can't believe I have the beliefs in politics that I do, and can still be LDS. May I remind you that this very statement is why it is so GREAT that we live in AMERICA. I have the oportunity to believe in my religion, and have views politically too. I am so very thankful that I can do that.

As I said earlier, you don't have to agree with me, but I still think you should vote. So, go out there, and make your voice heard.

1 comment:

Julia said...

Interesting Vicky... did you know that the senate majority leader Harry Reid is a member of the LDS church? I think the majority of church members are republican, but you certainly don't have to republican to be a member of the church.
I guess I must have missed hearing that you got baptized. When did you join?