Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Yesterday, I was watching Oprah. It was about Kent Whittaker's book "Murdered by Family", telling the story of the death of his wife and young son, who were killed by their son and brother Bart. When the murder happened, they didn't know who had done it, however, Kent, who was also injured decided 4 hours after this horrible tragedy that he would forgive the killers. Little did he know it was his own son.

What an amazing story. If this man could forgive his son for murdering his wife, and other son, than why do I have problems forgiving my father for the horrible things he did to my family?

I hope that I can forgive my father, I am working on that now. I encourage everyone to look at this book, and to remember the following quotes when you have problems with forgiveness.

“It is not our ability to think that separates us from the lower animals. It is our capacity to repent and to forgive that makes us different”—Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
"To forgive someone is to admit our limitations. We’ve been given only one piece of life’s jigsaw puzzle. Only God has the cover of the box."—Max Lucado, Everyday Blessings

1 comment:

Julia said...

My dear sweet Vicky,
I watched it as well, and I thought of your dad too. I too have trouble with forgiving some of my family members for what they've done to me. The thing I have to remember is what they said that "forgiving is not in any way condoning the behavior". It's the freedom it gives us in letting us move on and not be stuck being victims. I'm so sorry for what you and your family have been through. I love you!