Thursday, February 19, 2009


Here are some pictures of our babies! I think they are so funny, because they all love this pillow that Wolf is sleeping on, and usually take turns sleeping on it.

And both Tuck and Wolf are more comfortable if they are sleeping on their backs. It is hilarious. All they are missing, are blankies!

And this believe it or not, is ernie, tucked in between piles of pillows and blankets on the couch. He loves to sleep there, expecially if Trevor or I are already laying down on the couch, he tries his hardest to cuddle with us!

And, Eb loves to lay on the chairs. Him is so cute!

I just love pictures of them snuggling with Trevor. Wonder what will happen in a few months when they are full grown? are they going to get in his lap then too? Probably!

Last, but certainly not least, Lou-dog. cuddling with Trevor's pillow!

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