Monday, June 30, 2008

Great news!

Well, I lost 8 lbs in two weeks, so that's 13lbs in 1 month. I am so very proud of myself! Trevor is working in Idaho Falls now, so, that means no car for me while he is gone during the day. I am very thankful we have friends that can help us.

My sisters move went good. they are settled into their townhouse in Nampa, and her hubby is still working in Seattle until his transfer comes through. She is such a strong bird, to take on 4 little men on her own while he is gone.

Not much else is going on, just working away. Oh, Trevor and I got new cells! I am so happy about that, because with Trevor working in Idaho falls, he will be on the road a lot, and I like to call him to check in.........the worry wart that I am.

Anyways, I have new pics that I will post here soon. Love you all.

1 comment:

Lost in the 60's said...

Congrats on the weight loss, that's wonderful, I'm so proud of you. :)

Are you coming up the 4th?

Talk to you soon. Luv ya.