Saturday, November 10, 2012

November 10-Thankful for the little things

Every day I try to be thankful for all the little things in my life that combined together make for a pretty awesome existence!  Trevor takes such good care of me, and does so many small things to just get a smile on my face.

The smallest gesture from a friend or family member can make or break your day, and that is something I am trying to remember to be thankful for the good and the bad. 

I'm thankful that I have running water, and it even gets hot at the touch of a button! Air Conditioning, and heating depending on how I am feeling! :)  The blankets I have that I can either kick off, or grab and bundle up in.  Time that I get to spend with those who matter to me.

Later today, I'm sure I will be thankful for pain medication...

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