Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5- Friends..."sisters"

Today, I am thankful for my best friends.  I have several great friends in my life, and I am very lucky for that.  I have 3 that are closer than "friends" they are my sisters.

Emily Merrill has been my friends since we were 4 years old, so, that is the last 28 years of my life she has been there.  I am 4 days older than her.  We were attached at the hip as kids.  There have been months where we haven't spoken, but when we talk, or get together, it is as though not a moment has passed.  She is my sister, always has been, always will be.

Kristina Beba and I have been friends since we were 11, so, again, that is 21 years!  Wow, Tina, our relationship is old enough to drink! :) Kristina is 11 days older than I am, and I don't let her forget it. :) Tina was there for me through the roughest parts of my life, when I didn't speak to anyone in my family other than my mother.  We have had times where we hated eachother, but deep down, even if we never mentioned it, we always loved one another.  Once again, like Emily, she is my sister, always and forever.

Angela Sorensen is very special to me.  She is the first person I called a Bit#%.  I'm pretty sure I got in quite a bit of trouble over that one.  It bonded us immediately. :)  Angela is 2 years younger than I am, however, we were inseperable for several years. 

Girls, thank you for always being there to support me, even when we didn't see eye to eye.  I will always cherish our friendships.

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